From Brainstorm to Breakthrough: The 7 Qualities of Idea Capture Tools to Consider
Explore the qualities of different idea capture platforms based on a few properties that matter most to ideation success, and how the participants interacting with these platforms impacts the ultimate quality of your output.
Innovation Beyond Results: Embracing the Artistic Process
Innovation is about the process, not the outcome. But many companies fixate on end results, expecting transformational ideas without investing in the very process that births them. Here is why the ideation journey is just as important.
Common Mistakes in Concept Development
Avoid these common mistakes in concept development.
Top 16 Reasons Why Great Ideas Become Bad Concepts
There are times during innovation when exciting ideas fail to make it off the ground, usually because they are turned into poor concepts. Don't let this happen to you. Here are 16 reasons why your great idea may have failed to take off.
In Innovation, Quantity Leads To Quality
Starting with lots of ideas in ideation increases the odds that there are good ideas to work with. So don't be afraid of quantity—we find that it leads to quality.
How To Generate Ideas With and For Kids
Innovation Process Facilitator Christine Haskins shares some tips and tricks for working with kids during the new product development process.